Kaiser Video Appointment Copay

Loading, just a moment. With same-day phone or video appointments, you can get care without making a trip to the doctor’s office. Kaiser Permanente’s telehealth options, including video visits and phone, email or online consultations, are available to you with no co-pay required. Maryland copayment health care plans from Kaiser Permanente offer no deductible, and predictible costs for health care in Maryland. Created Date 8/23/2012 3:21:18 PM. Order through the Kaiser Permanente mobile app. Download the app by searching for Kaiser Permanente on the Apple Store or the Google App Store. Call the phone number on the label of your medicine. Call our mail-order service at 1-866-523-6059 (TTY 711 ), 8 a.m. To 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Kaiser Video Appointment Copay Assistance

Care the way you want it

Kaiser Video Appointment Copay

Phone visits
Get same-day care for certain minor issues like sore throat; cold, cough, or allergy symptoms; nausea; or bladder infection. Phone visits are also available for many specialties and primary care.*

Video visits
Make an appointment to meet face-to-face online with a doctor on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. For certain minor issues, same-day video visits are available.* Video visits are also available for many specialties.

How To Do Kaiser Video Appointment

Don’t feel like calling? For certain common ailments, you can complete an online questionnaire and — depending on your responses and symptoms — you will be prompted with recommended self-help or over-the-counter remedies. Some conditions will trigger an active response from your care team who will help you decide whether you need a doctor visit, a prescription, or another more urgent course of action.*

Message your doctor’s office with nonurgent questions any time. You can also email a pharmacist with questions about medications. Sign on to kp.org or use our mobile app.

Kaiser Video Appointment Copay Cards

For appointments and advice, just call 404-365-0966

Kaiser Video Appointment Copay Program

*For members who are registered on kp.org and have seen their doctor in the past year. Ask if a phone, video, or e-visit is right for you. To register on kp.org, visit kp.org/registernow.

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